Friday, September 13, 2013

Citra gone

Today picked up the keys for the new house and to mark the occasion drank the last bottle of the first Citra.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Ended up making a quick pale ale using up the 60g of Pacific Gem (20g bittering, 20g aroma, 20g flameout), ended up with ~20L and could be better than I expected.

All bottled up and just have a couple of kg of pale malt and 100g of simcoe in the stores.... but a small question of moving house first.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Last Brew...........

.... in my current rented house. In less than a month I should have the keys to my new house.

It's also a chance to give the new mash tun a spin, and I have replacement 1wire temperature sensors for the mash tun.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Bottling done - and out of the fermenter this is tasting stunning.

I've given the polypin another go... it will be disappointing if this is 5L wasted. I think the mistake last time was releasing pressure in the polypin too quickly/frequently- so I think I was pushing oxygen back into the beer each time. The plan this time is to try wait a week before doing anything with the polypin. Leaving it later should give enough co2 build up to make sure the oxygen is purged.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

NZ Dual Hop

A new brew on the go, if I had more Nelson Sauvin this might have been 100% Nelson Sauvin again, and maybe fresher as these have been in the freezer for 7 months (however they smelt really nice)

Instead it's a 40g of Pacific Gem (20g bittering 20g aroma) and 32g Nelson Sauvin for Aroma and 23g Nelson Sauvin at flame out.

Most positive is that I'm now down to just 60g of Pacfic Gem which plan on doing a SHPA with next.
Then time to get some Centennial/Willamette/Hallertau/Caragold to revisit the Gold Goose. I really don't want to stock up on too many open packets of hops in the freezer.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Single Hop Cascade Pale Ale

This one doesn't count as my own brew- but something I helped some friends brew. I didn't quite get as far as publishing a pdf of the recipe/process before hand.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Green Bullet Pale Ale

Another brew of Green Bullet Pale Ale, only have 2 hops in the freezer now (Pacific Gem and Nelson Sauvin). The new kettle seems to have a bigger level of evaporation than I'd expect (even without leaving hte lid off completely- had to top up with 2L of water).

I seem to have an extra 10g of the Green Bullet hops left still, so will try with a first ever dry hop.

This is also another attempt at reusing yeast from the previous brew, this should decide if reusing yeast is more unpredictable as Citra and Green Bullet are both simple pale ales.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Brew Day Underway

I'm quite impressed with the DSB1820 temperature sensors, the collection of scripts running on the Raspberry Pi ( are producing graphs, flashing lights, displaying on an LCD screen and sounding a buzzer.

On the to-do list is to integrate the results into the Android App, as it also sends a multicast datagram every second with a pickled result.


Friday, February 8, 2013

3 bottles of Citra

Just 3 bottles of Citra left, time to brew some more