Ended up with more wort than expected, was expecting 14L but ended up with more than 20L.
Gravity of the wort before boil was 1.039, about 8 points lower than expected, but given the extra liquor it probably turned out to be a 70% efficiency. in went the packet of spray malt I'd bought just in case.
A quick play with beer smith suggests I'll still be on for a 4% job.
And something that I forget in a bid to stop dribbles out the fermentation bucket taps is that vaseline melts at ~70degC
Biggest lesson has to be keep the sparge water slower (tie a knot in the syphon tube input) and only open the tap at the bottom of the bucket half way. Thankfully I spotted that I'd need the 5 gallon fermentation bin as the outer bin not the 3 gallon (that could have been messy)